

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two Months!

Madelyn had her 2 month doctor's appointment October 26th. This is a day that mommy dreaded big time! I was excited to see how much she had grown but was completely stressed about the shots I knew she had coming. Luckily, the pediatrician was excellent and the nurse was super fast at giving her all 5 (yes, five - ugh) shots and the oral injection. Madelyn was certainly not a fan of the shots and basically screamed through the entire thing :( Mommy did pretty well, no tears but definitely got teary-eyed once the doc and nurse left and I was consoling our screaming daughter. She did get some pretty stylish bugs bunny band-aids out of the deal! Luckily, she didn't run a fever or have any negative side effects. She did have a melt-down after about a 30 minute nap after she got home from the appointment and I could tell it was a "pain cry" so I quickly administered Tylenol (with a friend's help) to help give her some relief. It kicked in rather quickly and she was just sleepy the rest of the day.

On the more fun side, she has grown to 12 lbs. 1 oz, 23 1/2 inches long, and her head is 15" in diameter. The pediatrician said she is the picture of perfect health! Her next check-up is at 4 months. Unfortunately, that means more shots but the way I see it is if we survived the first round, we'll certainly survive the second.

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