

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Shower and Halfway Point!

Last Sunday I had a double baby shower with one of my dear friends, Kari. We're about 4 weeks apart and have really enjoyed going through this pregnancy journey together so having a double baby shower was just perfect! It was still so surreal that I was actually having a shower, seeing all of the gifts and adorable little outfits was kind of mind boggling but I loved every second of it :) It's crazy to think that in just 19 weeks, we're going to meet our little girl and be using all of the goodies we were blessed with. The shower couldn't have gone better and I am so thankful for those who took the time to put it together and attend; I LOVE my Navy family!!

On Tuesday, we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment. This one was really neat because the tech measures everything and we get to watch it all! She measured her head, arms, legs, organs, even counted all of her little fingers and toes - so neat! They sent us home with a slew of pictures and we were just so happy to see and hear our little girl doing so well! She's weighing in at 13 ounces and had a strong heartbeat of 147! She is very active nowadays, I feel her move everyday...I swear that will never get old. Her favorite time to party is first thing in the morning - no better way to start each day! David has been able to feel her kick since about week 19, it's such an amazing experience. After our appointment we headed to Home Depot to pick out a paint color for the nursery walls. After going back and forth, we finally settled on a neutral brown. It's very calming and will go perfectly with her light pink bedding! I can't wait to start getting the nursery put together, David's pretty excited to start painting too! I'll be sure to post pictures of our nursery progress :)

Here are some pictures from our double baby shower and 20 week profiles of momma and baby girl!

Isn't she cute!

Definitely a belly now!

Kari, 24 wks - Me, 20 wks
Our awesome hostesses!


The beautiful quilt was made by Nancy our host, she's amazing!

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