

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Day!

Hello everyone! Communications have been down on the ship but I'm happy to report that I finally started receiving emails from David again!! He tried calling on Thanksgiving day but the connection was not strong enough and the call was dropped. He did send a nice long email after that attempt so it made it all better :) David is doing great and they just finished celebrating Thanksgiving. Due to logistical reasons, they had to celebrate a day late but they celebrated nonetheless! Here is a fun fact the ship provided us about preparing a Thanksgiving meal for the ship "in order to feed everyone, our Food Service Division is preparing 900 pounds of turkey, 400 pounds of ham, 600 pounds of mashed potatoes,250 pounds of stuffing,50 gallons of gravy and 4,000 dinner rolls." Crazy huh? Below are some pictures of all of that food being prepared.

I was able to go home for Thanksgiving and it was a wonderful time! I was able to see just about everybody including visiting Chrisman for a few hours. They made me the most thoughtful gift, it's a bouquet of handmade flowers and pictures of David and I. There are quotes on the pot about love and missing a loved one. It is so neat and is proudly displayed on my nightstand. Not only did they make the gift, they catered a luncheon of yummy mexican food! It was a blast. I had dinner with David's parents, visited the Moberly gang, and spent lots of time with my mom in her new, beautiful house. It was really great to see everyone and the good news is, I get to do it again in just about three weeks :)

I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hellooo Thailand!

Hello everyone! I hope this post finds you doing wonderfully! David was able to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience exploring the cultures of Thailand. This was their most recent, and much needed port visit. He had an amazing stay and really took advantage of his time there. He and several fellow officers, rented a house even had an infinity pool on the roof!! They were able to kick back, hit the town, and really have a good time. They also went elephant back riding and white water rafting! My favorite part of his time in Thailand was when I got to see him via Skype!! Luckily, the house they rented came equipped with wireless so he was able to connect to Skype and give my computer a ring. Due to the time difference, it was about 1:00am my time and 2:00 pm his, but I didn't care at all. I enjoyed every second of getting to see his handsome face and hear his voice. After a few days in Thailand, they packed up and headed back out to sea. Unfortunately, they seemed to pick up some kind of bug and everyone got quite sick when back on board but it sounds like everyone is finally starting to get over it!

I'm happy to report that David has finally started receiving my care packages!! I was starting to get very discouraged as his first package took over a month to get to him but it seems they're more on schedule now taking approximately 3-4 weeks to reach him. I'm getting his Christmas package all ready to ship on Monday so that it has plenty of time to get to him!

Everything here in Cali is going great. The weather is still beautiful and school is still keeping me crazy busy...thank goodness for that. I miss David terribly and couldn't be more proud of him!

Stay tuned for more updates :)

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