

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My How the Time Flies!

One year (and one day) ago, David was commissioned as a US Naval Officer after three very long and challenging months of OCS! I can't believe it's already been a year, and after talking with David, he can't either! This past year has brought it's challenges but it has also brought its perks. The deployment has without words been the most difficult challenge but the anticipation and excitement building up to an unforgettable homecoming day, makes it all worth it. David and I both feel like this deployment hasn't been as terrible as we had anticipated (thank goodness!) So here's to our first year in the Navy and congratulations to David for his one year anniversary as a US Naval Officer; I couldn't be more proud of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Time sure does fly Lisa! Congrats on one year of David doing an awesome job in the Navy and to you for kicking booty as a Navy wife! I still can't beleive I've been doing this with Jayson for almost 8 years now... Time sure does fly, yes it does.... :)


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