Where is the time going?? Don't get me wrong, we want the time to go fast because that means David is that much closer to being home but at the same time...Mads is growing up too fast! How is it even possible she'll be one year old in a month?!? She is still the happiest little girl and people comment all the time about how much she smiles and of course, those lashes! She loves to eat "real" food favoring kiwi, blueberries, wheat toast, cottage cheese, mango, sweet potato and lots more. She is starting to babble two-syllable "words" and is starting to say "dada" more and more everyday (more than she says "mama" in fact). She isn't walking yet but she pulls herself up on everything and "cruises" along the furniture...guessing it won't be long, although I'd be okay if she decided to wait and walk when daddy got home...I could use the backup :0) She is big into immitating right now and claps, laughs when you laugh, "huffs and puffs" when you "huff and puff," sticks out her tongue when you stick out yours and "dances" when she hears music. She really is tons of fun the older she's getting and I'm really looking forward to having David home to enjoy this part of her growing up! Here are some recent pictures of our little, ornery lovebug - enjoy!
Not sure she's a fan of the message on her top... |
Fearless! |
o-r-n-e-r-y |
Going for a walk! |